We are looking for people who would like to take part in this project by making a video of themselves performing to the track.
“How do you spend your days in quarantine?”
The submitted clips will then be edited together for a full-length music video.
Profits (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) will be donated.
LISTEN TO THE TRACK: The Synchronizers – Stay Home
- DOWNLOAD: The Synchronizers – Stay Home
- FORMAT: Portrait (vertical)
- CONTENT: Sing, dance, have fun, be creative!
- DEADLINE: 05/05/2020
- SEND VIDEO LINK (Dropbox, Wetransfer, etc.): info@thesynchronizers.com
Don’t know what to submit?
Need inspiration?
Then download our 14 printable „Stay Home“ signs!

What arises when three German artists team-up to focus on one project?
A fancy boy band or some bitchy house act?
We don’t think so, have a closer look!
With different musical backgrounds, careers and skills in music production, dj’ing, live-performing, visual arts and design, they have joined forces, whilst sharing unconditional passion for music.
Oh yeah, they love music in all its varieties, the complexity and depth of sound, the effect music has on people, the emotions we feel.
When all this merges into one project, guess why they call themselves „The Synchronizers“.
As they are pretty serious about what they do, there are big things to expect in the future – and set expectations high.
See you around.